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Artificial Intelligence and law enforcement

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome/Vienna, 18.09.2019, 14:04 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 7630x gelesen

Rome/Vienna [ENA] The theme of “Artificial Intelligence and law enforcement – an ally or adversary?” is the focus of the 2019 OSCE Annual Police Experts Meeting opening on Monday, 23 September, 09:30, at the Hofburg, Vienna. Law enforcement experts and other criminal justice practitioners, OSCE delegations, representatives of regional and international organizations, technical specialists, and researchers, as well as civil society

representatives from OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation will take part in the conference. The meeting, which is by invitation only, is open to law enforcement experts and other criminal justice practitioners, OSCE Delegations, representatives of regional and international organizations, technical specialists, researchers as well as civil society representatives from the OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation. General Jana Maškarová, First Vice-President of the Slovak Police Force and Paul Cell, President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, will open the conference. OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger will address the participants via video link.

The central objective of the two-day conference is to discuss implications of developments in artificial intelligence (AI) for the work of law enforcement authorities. The discussions will focus on how Artificial Intelligence influences the work and structure of police services and on what challenges and possibilities the future could generate. Participants will be stimulated to address some of the most urgent questions concerning the main legal, ethical, human rights and gender-related concerns related to the use of Artificial Intelligence in the work of law enforcement. International organizations have to foster co-operation and provide a platform for exchanging best practices and lessons learned.

The conference will focus on the developments in AI and their impact on the work and structure of police services across the OSCE area and what new changes to policing can these technologies bring in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, AI technologies can be exploited for criminal purposes and there are prospects of AI-related crime in the future. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressively becoming one of the most momentous technologies of our time. Its potential uses seem almost unconceivable and its implications for our everyday lives cause both optimistic predictions about future opportunities and serious worries about potential risks.

Recent considerable increases in computing power, increasing amount of data available from rapidly digitizing world and the development of advanced algorithms have opened up ground-breaking possibilities in Artificial Intelligence. The first session of OSCE Annual Police Experts Meeting will introduce the concept of AI and the use of AI-related technologies in the work of law enforcement authorities and agencies. The second session will explore how AI technologies can be expected to be misused for committing various forms of crime in the future, including cybercrime or human trafficking.

The third and final session will be reserved to key legal, ethical, human rights and gender-related concerns linked to the application of AI-based technologies in the work of law enforcement authorities and agencies. The main conclusions and results of the meeting will be printed in a report, which will serve as a basis for further discussions on its topics at the national, regional and international level, and as guidance for OSCE when developing and offering capacity-building and technical assistance to the OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation.

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